
The Western Museums Association (WMA) is going to the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) 2013 Annual Meeting in Baltimore! If you are there, stop by booth #1231, meet our Executive Director Jason B. Jones, view the Preliminary Program and learn more about the WMA 2013 Annual Meeting, and get some great giveaways from Salt Lake City museums!
If you’re unable to attend AAM 2013, follow us on...
By Steve Comba
With Registration now open for the Western Museums Association (WMA) 2013 Annual Meeting, we thought you might also want access to the Preliminary Program. The WMA Program Committee has been deciding on and preparing for the WMA 2013 sessions since January. Let me explain…
It was 9 degrees in Salt Lake, maybe, felt much colder,
Wintery view from the hotel...
The Western Museums Association (WMA) in partnership with the Utah Museums Association is excited to announce the opening of Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City! WMA’s 2013 Annual Meeting will be held on October 9-12, 2013. In addition 50 engaging sessions, the program also includes pre-conference tours to Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty and Park City, nine pre-...
By Erin Bailey
Please help spread the word about the upcoming Queering the History Museum Symposium on June 8, 2013 at the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) in Seattle, Washington.
On June 8th Queering The Museum Project (QTM) and the Museum of History & Industry are joining forces for the Queering the History Museum Symposium. This symposium will feature the Pop-Up Museum of Queer...
The June 1st deadline is rapidly approaching!
The Wanda Chin Scholarship program helps fund participation and travel to the Western Museums Association (WMA) 2013 Annual Meeting by professionals who might otherwise not be able to attend. Scholarships are available to members of the field at the student, incoming professional and mid-career professional levels. The Scholarship program is a vital...

The Western Museums Association (WMA) 2013 Annual Meeting, in partnership with the Utah Museums Association (UMA) will be here before you know it! For the first time ever the WMA Annual Meeting will have a Poster Presentations Session. The goal of the poster session is to showcase how museums are “Drive On! Museums and the Future,” the theme of WMA 2013 Annual Meeting. This session is an...
By James G. Leventhal
One of the author's favorite records.

Many years ago Stephanie Weaver of Experienceology encouraged the Western Museums Association to start exploring the use of Ted-like talks to enliven the Annual Meeting and to provide better year-round content on the then recently launched blog site westmuse and other outlets. Well, Stephanie, your wait is over!...soon.
At the fall...
By: Ashley Meredith – Doctoral Student, University of South Florida
The opportunity to attend the Western Museum Association meetings could not have been possible without the assistance of the WMA Board and Wanda Chin Scholarship they provided to me for the 75th Annual Meeting! The WMA stands out as one of the most committed organizations to professional development and collaboration between...
By: Brooke Devenney
This year’s Western Museums Association Annual Meeting in Palm Springs was an insightful and interesting experience for someone like myself just starting out in their museum career. The theme I took from this year’s Annual Meeting and conference was the idea of “thinking outside the box,” both literally and figuratively. Two of the sessions I attended demonstrated this idea...
By: Tarisi Vunidilo - Secretary-General, PIMA
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Western Museum Association (WMA) Board for providing me with a scholarship that enabled me to be in Palm Springs from October 21st to the 24th  to attend the 2012 WMA Meeting. Without your kind assistance I would not have been able to attend this very important gathering.


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