September 2012

Best Practices for Slavery Interpretation Workshop

American Association for State and Local History Conference
Wednesday, October 3rd, 8:30am-5:00pm - Salt Lake City, UT
To register:
Presented by:  Kristin Gallas, The Tracing Center on Histories and Legacies of Slavery; Patricia Brooks, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation;
Conny Graft, Conny Graft Research and Evaluation; and Dr. Julia Rose, West Baton Rouge Museum

Sneak Peak at Pre-Conference Workshops and Tours

By: Maraya Cornell

My favorite part of a WMA Annual Meeting is the weekend of tours and workshops before the conference actually gets started. I like to get settled and look around a bit before the crowds roll in, but I also find that I learn more, make the best connections, and have the most interesting conversations during the longer and more focused pre-conference events. For me, the minimal extra cost is more than worth it.