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Multimedia Forum

Museums, Social Justice, and Civic Engagement in the Land of Enchantment

Through exhibits and programs the Las Cruces Museum System, the National Hispanic Cultural Center Art Museum, and the University of New Mexico Art Museum have encouraged museumgoers to think about social justice and the role civic engagement plays in achieving it. Panelists will discuss the complexities of exploring challenging subject matter in museums such as race relations, migration, and police violence; why it’s critical that we do so; and ways to navigate these challenges. #bravespace

Burnout Busters: Self-Care for the Museum Professional

In an age of burnout and overstimulation, how can you inspire others if you haven’t taken care of your own needs? Yes, your work is important, but so are you! In this participatory session, learn tips and tricks for self-care. #trending

Inspiring Future Generations at the Wanapum Heritage Center (1-3)

The Wanapum Band of Priest Rapids values museums as a place to protect, preserve, and perpetuate their culture, traditions, and identity as they walk in two worlds. Voices of those from the past and those in the present speak to future generations. This session examines the collaborative effort between the Wanapum and the Grant County Public Utility District to tell the story of the Wanapum people in a living heritage center through exhibits and architectural design.

Nailed It/Failed It: Risks and Rewards of Failure

A year of planning. Stressed-out staff. Little or no profit. Now what? Sometimes the secret to success is in an epic failure. Three museum professionals map the road to success through detours of risks and failures. We will spark innovation and find success by identifying the best time for risk-taking, understanding the value of failing, and creating tangible evaluation with outcome-focused goals to turn colossal mistakes
into successes.

“You Want to Do What?!” The Challenges of Presenting Contemporary Art Installations

Museums are often tasked with presenting contemporary art installations that don’t fit the mold of our traditional policies and procedures. How can we engage with contemporary artists without misunderstandings, conflicts, or frustrations so that we can fully present their visions while still adhering to best practices for risk management, ethics, and registration methods?