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Annual Meeting

The Western Museums Association’s (WMA) Annual Meeting is known as a premier venue for those who work in the museum industry to exchange ideas and best practices, network with colleagues, and learn from each other by attending valuable sessions. Attendees come away inspired and energized about their profession. Upon returning home, they seek out opportunities to grow and further the creative culture that is the foundation of our society.


“WMA is an association that has so much personality and texture."

- Sandra Jackson-Dumont
Director and CEO of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art
WMA 2023 Keynote Speaker


WMA's 2025 Annual Meeting

This Fall, WMA's 2025 Annual Meeting will be held in Reno, Nevada on October 1-4!

Produced in partnership with the Nevada Museums Association.

Improving the individual to elevate the collective.

With the theme of ELEVATE, WMA 2025 will be an opportunity for attendees to participate in a unique slate of educational programming that explores ideas that will help define the future of museums and the diverse communities they serve. Beyond outcomes, WMA 2025 will encourage museum professionals to celebrate the process of collaborating with others. Coming together on common ground, we look to our shared identities and unique differences to ELEVATE the work of each other and our cultural institutions. This year, WMA wishes to celebrate our 90th anniversary by building relationships and soaring higher than ever before. With six session tracks, exciting events, and informal discussions, you won’t want to miss this dynamic conference that showcases an array of perspectives and provides multifaceted learning opportunities for professionals, regardless of cultural institution size, personal specialty, or career level.

Join us in Reno to ELEVATE our work as cultural institutions through our collaborative efforts!


Online registration for WMA 2025 opens in June.

Check out WMA's 2025 Request for Proposals

WMA 2025 FAQ



WMA 2024 Wanda Chin Scholarship Recipients

Donate to the Wanda Chin Scholarship Fund!

Since 1997, and funded through annual auctions and donations, the Wanda Chin Professional Development Scholarship is a vital component of the WMA mission and allows WMA to create opportunities for its constituents to build skill sets to better serve their communities. 

By donating to the Wanda Chin Scholarship Fund, you will help to subsidize participation in WMA's Annual Meeting for professionals who might not otherwise be able to attend. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for everyone to network will colleagues, learn best practices, and gain new skill sets that can be applied within their institutions and local communities.

There are two ways to donate and make an impact:

  1. Donate to the Wanda Chin Scholarship Fund by clicking here. Choose the amount you wish to donate and specify that your donation is for the 'Wanda Chin Scholarship' in the comments section.
  2. Support the Wanda Chin Scholarship Program by bidding on items in the Annual Meeting's Silent and Live Auction event. Proceeds from the SIlent and Live Auction directly fund this program.

Visit the Wanda Chin Scholarship page to learn more. Applications for 2025 Scholarships opens in April.



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