December 2009

A holiday message from Aldona Jonaitis

Here in Fairbanks the day is at its shortest, the sun rising at 10:57am and setting at 2:39 pm.  Outside it’s -17.6 degrees.   When it’s this cold there’s no wind, so the snow just stays where it fell, and there are several inches of snow decorating the trees.  Cold, snow, short days - one might think this is a depressing time of year.  But it


More San Diego #wma09: "The Buffalo in the Room": Talking about the Tough Stuff at Native Museums

From disease and death to land loss and forced subjugation, native museums often have the daunting task of exploring difficult issues and events. Too often, as museum planners and exhibit designers, we talk around these subjects without fully confronting them. Three museum professionals from the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. and Bishop Museum and 'Iolani Palace in Honolulu, Hawai'i will share their efforts to shed light on these dark chapters. What problems did they encounter? How did they work with community members?
