As a recent transplant to the greater Los Angeles (LA), California area, I am surrounded by some of the most well respected institutions in the world. At the same time, I’m also surrounded by Hollywood and tourism. I find myself at an intersection of the high- and low-brow, kitsch and sophistication, recognized ivory towers and uncompromising realities. A perfect example: I live directly between the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Wax Museum.
The Bainbridge Island Historical Museum is located on Bainbridge Island, Washington in Puget Sound, and this circumstance provides both unique opportunities and challenges. Our membership is drawn primarily from the Island’s current population of approximately 23,000 residents. The population serves as a bedroom community for commuters traveling into the City of Seattle by ferry, although up until 1950, there was no connection to the mainland except by ferry.
On behalf of the Western Museums Association (WMA) Board of Directors, staff, and members, I want to thank you for your work as a volunteer at the WMA 2013 Annual Meeting Drive On! Museums and the Future in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It is with great pleasure and excitement that the Western Museums Association (WMA) announces the Request for Proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 5-8, 2014. The Annual Meeting will illuminate Las Vegas museums and be guided by the theme: Expect the Unexpected.
Are you active on social media, and looking for ways to participate at the Western Museums Association (WMA) 2013 Annual Meeting? Look no further than connecting with the WMA on Facebookor @westmuse on Twitter! Make sure to use #wma2013 so your colleagues join in on the conversation.