January 2014

A full-day workshop on email archiving for art museums

As many of you know, I have been very concerned about the lack of email archiving in museums. I chaired a session a few years ago at MCN and found that I am not alone in my concern. Since then, things have not improved. In fact, one might say they have worsened as the volume of email continues to increase, as does its use for types of museum correspondence that are crucial for us to preserve.


Returning To Risk

By Susan B. Spero

We are still early in the New Year, a seasonal time for thinking about resolutions for the year ahead. In December I usually get some time away from my responsibilities at JFK University, and that break from my often too-full work life makes me (perhaps foolishly) more optimistic about what aspirations are possible. Consequently, the goals I set in January are often bigger and more change-oriented.
