The Importance of No Simple Answer
Written by 2022 Wanda Chin Scholarship Recipient Elizabeth Beutel
I had the honor of attending the 2022 WMA Conference in Portland, OR as a Wanda Chin Scholarship Awardee. While there, several events reminded me of an important lesson to keep in mind as I navigate the museum world: Simple questions almost never have simple answers.
Museums Embracing Change
Written by 2022 Wanda Chin Scholarship Recipient Terri Thomas
Thanks to a generous Wanda Chin scholarship, I was privileged to be a first-time attendee at the Western Museums Association annual meeting, where talented museum professionals came together after a prolonged period of separation and shared bold visionary work that reflects the needs of our current times. Like flame licking up the side of a log I was fired up with excitement, lapping up best practices, novel leading-edge ideas, and peer advice.