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Calling All Educators! Museums of the West Get Creative with Online Educational Resources & Programming

Western_Museum_Edu_Blog_Post.jpgThis fall, educators are working harder than ever to meet the needs and provide critical support to their learners. Whether using traditional in-person classrooms, virtual or hybrid-learning models, teachers are in need of tools, guidance, and resources.

A great place to start is at a museum.

According to the American Alliance of Museums, every year, U.S. museums provide more than 18 million instructional hours of educational programing, and by tailoring these programs to meet state, local and national standards, museums can help teach state, local or core curriculum in a range of subjects including math, science, history, art, and civics.

As structures of place-based learning, museums have the ability engage students in learning experiences that are relevant, engaging, and inspiring. And although the 2020-2021 school year looks completely different than any year prior, museums are still offering the same immersive experiences from a distance. But where to start your exploration?

Well, we’ve looked to organizations west of the Rockies, including Alaska, and Hawaii, and the western Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia to gather the following list of online resources, tools, and programs that will be of use to you as an educator this school year.

Of course, you can find great educational programming from just about any museum across the Western U.S., but these are just a few programs we came across. This list is updated regularly.

Museum Educational Programs


Additional Resources

We hope these resources and programs taken from the West will offer support to you and the educators in your local community. Please pass along!

If you have a resource you’d like to add to this list, please contact us in the messages below, or email us at Thanks!

This list is updated regularly.


Written by Jessica Noyes, Communications Coordinator, WMA

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