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New Year, New You: Build Your Self-Care Plan

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The New Year is a good time to reset. We all start over with fresh mindsets, new resolutions to keep, and a sense of excitement as we look ahead. But across the next 12 months, there can be challenges and stressors that follow right along.

To find relief and to build resilience towards stressors in your life, practicing self-care is vital and taking the time to create a self-care plan can make it easier to do. Self-Care is a multifaceted practice that is about taking care of your health and well-being by addressing the mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual areas of your life, and finding a balance among all of these.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to make self-care a priority, especially every day.

That’s why WMA created a Self-Care Plan template that will help you figure out the strategies needed to successfully and easily take care of your overall health and well-being.

The template contains reflection activities in these 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Evaluate Where You Are Now
  • Step 2: Recognize Your Current Needs
  • Step 3: Identify Your Coping Strategies
  • Step 4: Create Your Daily Self-Care Plan

Please download and fill out the Self-Care Plan template or use as inspiration to create your own.


Download the Self-Care Plan Template


We hope this Self-Care Plan will allow you to move forward throughout the year with happiness and as little stress as possible.

For additional self-care plan templates and ideas, check out these and more on Pintrest.


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