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Together but Safely Apart: A Collection of #WestMuseMail from 2020

Copy of WestMuseMail Postcards 2020 Blog Banner.jpg

Although WMA was not able to hold an in-person conference this year due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we were still able to stay connected with you and our WMA community through numerous virtual happenings. We all gathered around our computers to watch webinars, we shared resources and read articles on the WestMuse Blog, and we participated in the social campaign #WestMuseMail.

Since September 2020, people in the WMA community and the greater museum field have been reaching out and engaging with one another via the mailing of postcards. Inspired by the ongoing community mail art project PostSecret, originally created back in 2005 by artist Frank Warren, WMA’s social campaign #WestMuseMail asked everyone to grab a postcard from their local museum, post office, or stationary store, write a message and mail it in to WMA where it would then be shared across social media.

Using postcards, people across the United States have voiced how they were faring throughout the pandemic, expressed positive thoughts and bright hopes for the future, sent shout-outs to their friends, and welcomed visitors to their museums.

Now, we’d like to share an assortment of the many postcards we’ve received throughout these past few months, and warmly invite you to look through them.

Thank you to everyone who has written in – we’ve sincerely enjoyed reading your kind messages! #TogetherButSafelyApart


Chihuly_postcard_front.jpeg Chihuly_postcard_back_web.jpeg

Postcard #13_back.jpg Postcard #13_font.jpg

Postcard #14_Front.jpg Postcard #14_Back.jpg

Postcard #2 Back.jpeg Postcard #2 Front.jpeg

Postcard #2_front.jpg Postcard #2_back.jpg

Postcard 1 back.jpeg Postcard 1 front.jpeg

Postcard #1 Front.jpeg Postcard #1 Back.jpeg

Postcard #11_back_web.jpg Postcard #11_front.jpg

Postcard #5_front_web.jpg  Postcard #5_back.jpg

Postcard #3 Back_0.jpeg Postcard #3 Front_0.jpeg

Post Card 3 front.jpeg Post Card 3 back.jpeg

Postcard #3 Back.jpeg Postcard #3 Front.jpeg

Postcard #4 Front.jpeg Postcard #4 Back.jpeg

Postcard #12_Page_2_Image_0001.jpg Postcard #12_Page_1_Image_0001.jpg

Post Card 2 front.jpeg Post Card 2 back.jpeg

Postcard #1_Page_2_Image_0001.jpg Postcard #1_Page_1_Image_0001.jpg

Flower_Postcard_BayArea_front.jpg Flower_Postcard_BayArea_Back.jpeg

Postcard 3 back.jpeg Postcard 3 front.jpeg

Postcard #9_Front.jpg Postcard #9_Back.jpg

Postcard #10_Back.jpg Postcard #10_Front.jpg


Check out more #WestMuseMail postcards and other fun stuff on our Instagram here.


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