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WMA's 2021 Moments of Zen

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Throughout 2021, on nearly every Monday, we ended our WMA Weekly newsletter with a short, calming, fun, silly video that we like to call our "Moment of Zen." From footage of Zion National Park to a dog sledding down a snowy hill, these videos were shared as an offering of some peace and quiet, or a moment to simply smile and laugh – something that became all so important during these past two years.

As we welcome the final month of 2021 and dive into holiday stuff, we rounded up all of our WMA Moments of Zen from this year.

Grab a cup of hot chocolate, sit back, and enjoy watching! And vote for your favorite from our top 5 most popular! Cast your vote here.


2021 Moments of Zen

GoPro: Sailing with Dolphins

Bob Ross – Towering Peaks

Relaxing Autumn/Fall Forest Ambience

Fantastic Mr. Fox Movie Clip

Red Panda Cub Pabu

A Monarch Butterfly

Dog Goes Sledding

Zion National Park

'America the Beautiful' Sung by Ray Charles

2 Cats Play the Guitar

Surfing In 1977 Hawaii

Caribbean Reef Octopus

Zen Garden

Flowers Blooming Timelapse

Relaxing Visuals from Studio Ghibli

Closest Whale Encounter

Kaleidoscopic Moment

Animated Short Film "Soar" by Alyce Tzue


Vote for your favorite 2021 Moment of Zen here!

Want to see more Moments of Zen? Sign up for our WMA Weekly and eWestMuse monthly newsletters here.



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