By Susan Spero
Last week (June 16, 2014) the White House held its first ever Maker Faire, an effort that at least for me, signals a coming of age of the Maker/Tinkering movement within the United States. From the earliest beginnings of Maker Faires, museums have partnered to create, design, and engage audiences with these events. The Exploratorium played a strong role during the Maker Faire...
Book Review
Museum Basics, by Timothy Ambrose and Crispin Paine, 3rd edition released in 2012, published by Routledge with ICOM support. Museum Basics was written to address “the continuing need at an international level for an everyday handbook for museums with few professional staff and limited financial resources.“ In other words, the 99%. Developed by Ambrose and Paine (two British consultants, active...
By: Renee Montgomery
Book review: A Life in Museums: Managing Your Museum Career, AAM Press, 2012
Greg Stevens and Wendy Luke have done a terrific job editing this new guide, with advice running the gamut from first jobs, to mid-career considerations, to even layoffs. For starters, the book addresses the pros/cons of museum studies schools, grad school, volunteering and internships during these...
Book review: A Life in Museums: Managing Your Museum Career, AAM Press, 2012
Greg Stevens and Wendy Luke have done a terrific job editing this new guide, with advice running the gamut from first jobs, to mid-career considerations, to even layoffs. For starters, the book addresses the pros/cons of museum studies schools, grad school, volunteering and internships during these...