The Western Museums Association (WMA) proudly announces the third installment of WestMusings | 10 Minute Museum Talks featuring innovative museum topics. Modeled after TED Talks, WestMusings is an unconference program of short, engaging presentations by forward-thinking museum leaders.
WestMusings is happening at the 2015 Annual Meeting during A Night in Nerdvana...
By Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
#SocialMedium at Frye Art Museum investigates the new frontier.
Developing an exhibition of late 19th century paintings to be selected by the Internet took Seattle’s Frye Art Museum in many interesting directions. A turning point in the planning process came with the decision to use four leading social media platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr—to...
#SocialMedium at Frye Art Museum investigates the new frontier.
Developing an exhibition of late 19th century paintings to be selected by the Internet took Seattle’s Frye Art Museum in many interesting directions. A turning point in the planning process came with the decision to use four leading social media platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr—to...
By Carolyn Grant
The mission of the Museum of Making Music is to celebrate the accomplishments and impact of the music products industry and to connect visitors with hands-on music making. As such, our special exhibitions have traditionally focused on a particular musical instrument or product. Examples of past exhibitions include:
The Ukulele and You: America’s Love Affair with the Jumping...
The mission of the Museum of Making Music is to celebrate the accomplishments and impact of the music products industry and to connect visitors with hands-on music making. As such, our special exhibitions have traditionally focused on a particular musical instrument or product. Examples of past exhibitions include:
The Ukulele and You: America’s Love Affair with the Jumping...
Are you active on social media, and looking for ways to participate at the Western Museums Association (WMA) 2014 Annual Meeting? Look no further than connecting with the WMA on Facebook or @westmuse on Twitter!
Using #wma2014, share your thoughts, activities, and interesting quotes with your friends and colleagues. Live tweet during inspirational sessions or events, or post your photos to the...
Using #wma2014, share your thoughts, activities, and interesting quotes with your friends and colleagues. Live tweet during inspirational sessions or events, or post your photos to the...
By Brandi Burns
The “Remnants of Boise” interface
Remnants of Boise is a virtual tour that showcases Boise’s history in a unique and exciting manner. It is a legacy project of the BOISE 150, a City program led by the Boise City Department of Arts & History (A&H) to commemorate Boise’s sesquicentennial with signature events, projects, and promotions throughout 2013. Remnants...
The “Remnants of Boise” interface
Remnants of Boise is a virtual tour that showcases Boise’s history in a unique and exciting manner. It is a legacy project of the BOISE 150, a City program led by the Boise City Department of Arts & History (A&H) to commemorate Boise’s sesquicentennial with signature events, projects, and promotions throughout 2013. Remnants...
As many of you know, I have been very concerned about the lack of email archiving in museums. I chaired a session a few years ago at MCN and found that I am not alone in my concern. Since then, things have not improved. In fact, one might say they have worsened as the volume of email continues to increase, as does its use for types of museum correspondence that are crucial for us to preserve.
The Western Museums Association (WMA) is proud to present the first installment of videos from the first WestMusings | Ten Minute Museum Talks. This new programmatic feature took place at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. Based on TED Talks’ model, WestMusings is an unconference program of short, rehearsed, and engaging presentations on museum related topics. WestMusings will provide an...
The Western Museums Association (WMA) is proud to present the first installment of videos from the first WestMusings | Ten Minute Museum Talks. This new programmatic feature took place at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. Based on TED Talks’ model, WestMusings is an unconference program of short, rehearsed, and engaging presentations on museum related topics. WestMusings will provide an...
Reflections on the Arrival, Preparation and Display of Space Shuttle Endeavour
By Kenneth E. Phillips, PhD
A Spaceship for all of us
With its arrival at Los Angeles International Airport on September 21, 2012 the Space Shuttle Endeavour began its longest and perhaps most socially important mission ever—inspiring millions of young people to be the very best in whatever they choose to do.
By Kenneth E. Phillips, PhD
A Spaceship for all of us
With its arrival at Los Angeles International Airport on September 21, 2012 the Space Shuttle Endeavour began its longest and perhaps most socially important mission ever—inspiring millions of young people to be the very best in whatever they choose to do.
By Melissa Bowling
The Society of American Archivists (SAA) Museum Archives Section Working Group has been developing an online tool for the museum archives community to aid in the sharing of resources across institutions. Currently, the Working Group is gathering examples of forms, policies, and procedures to populate this online resource. You can view the resources that were gathered last year...
The Society of American Archivists (SAA) Museum Archives Section Working Group has been developing an online tool for the museum archives community to aid in the sharing of resources across institutions. Currently, the Working Group is gathering examples of forms, policies, and procedures to populate this online resource. You can view the resources that were gathered last year...