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Friday, October 6, 2023

Maintaining and Sharing Institutional knowledge - Fueling Staff Capabilities and Innovation

Learning Format: Active Learning

Explore institutional knowledge as it relates to exhibit design, development, and execution in this session with panelists from a variety of organizations.

Come learn about techniques for cataloging and sharing institutional knowledge both inside and outside your organization, using it to train and maintain staff, and discover how to foster a culture of innovation.

When Museums Close - Why Communities Matter

Learning Format: Passive Learning

Museums are often at the risk of closing, and they do close for numerous reasons. How a community supports its museums and how deep is that engagement, can play a pivotal role in saving museums and also in easing the pain of closure to actually provide benefit. This session discusses the real-life example of the Pasadena Museum of Art closure in 2018 with former employees, and also other museum case studies.

Making Diversity Internships Work

Learning Format: Active Learning

Diversity internships emerged as museums sought to address historic and systematic underrepresentation of BIPOC staff members. Learn about three models of diversity internship programs at three different museums—what has made them successful, where could they improve—and take away your own ideas for starting or strengthening similar programs at your own institution.


Opening General Session & Keynote

Join us as we welcome attendees to Pasadena, present the 2023 Awards – the Charles Redd Center Award for Exhibition Excellence, the WMA Leadership Award to an extraordinary individual with a lifetime of achievement in the field, and the WMA Impact Award to a mid-career professional–and get inspired by the 2023 keynote speaker!

OPENING REMARKS Jason B. Jones, Executive Director, Western Museums Association

WMA PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Lorie Millward, Vice President of Design and Programming, Thanksgiving Point Institute

The Current State of Fine Art Insurance

Learning Format: Passive Learning

Refresh your knowledge on the basics of art and artifact collections and exhibition insurance.  Learn some of the current issues in dealing with your permanent collection coverage as well as exhibition insurance on a domestic and international level. In addition, the panelists will cover risk management practices specifically for collections in regions prone to earthquake, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, floods and other catastrophes.

Re(centering) the Conversation: From Decolonization to Indigenization

Learning Format: Conversation

This roundtable session will bring together four museum professionals currently engaged in decolonization work as they discuss what it means to move towards an indigenization framework. Panelists, who span the gamut from seasoned staff to emerging professionals, will consider a range of questions such as: What is the difference between decolonization and indigenization? Who is engaged in this work? Are there good national or international models? And what are the implications for both museum policy and practice?

Shifting Power Dynamics: Dismantling Colonial Practices

Learning Format: Conversation

This facilitated conversation will focus on how museum professionals are relinquishing authority to Indigenous communities to be more inclusive, equitable, and accessible institutions. Panelists will bring different perspectives and experiences, where we share how we are shifting ideas of authority and power to source communities. Attendees are encouraged to share and participate in this open conversation.

Ask GEMM: Creating Solutions to Gender Equity Challenges in Museums

Learning Format: Active Learning

Despite decades of raising awareness, gender-based issues in the museum field remain; inequality, discrimination, and sexual harassment are often daily occurrences. Join members of the Gender Equity in Museums Movement (GEMM) steering committee to tackle issues YOU are seeing in your workplace right now. Together, in small groups, we will listen to an issue raised by a colleague and brainstorm solutions. You will leave with new ideas for approaching current or future challenges and with a renewed sense of solidarity with colleagues.

How Rewarding is Risk? Play, Risk-Taking, and Challenges in Museums

Learning Format: Active Learning

How important is risk-taking in learning, developing skills, and building emotional intelligence? Can museums encourage visitors to assess and take risks responsibly? Many exhibits help visitors consider their decisions, and the risks they are willing to take. Whether the challenge is physical, creative, intellectual, social or emotional, exhibits and programs present safe spaces for new ideas and skills. This session will feature environments where visitors feel safe while encountering challenges and evaluating their risk.

Sharing, Tasting, and Storytelling: Intergenerational Learning

Learning Format: Active Learning

When was the last time you learned something from someone that wasn’t your age? Intergenerational programs at museums unite participants in meaningful experiences. This session explores engagement strategies with a focus on the importance of creating community, mindful teaching, dialogue, and the exchange of artistic traditions. Join us for a dialogue and hands-on intergenerational art making experience.