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Multimedia Forum

Inclusivity, Difficult History, and the Modern Museum Audience

This luncheon is open to Directors, Deputy Directors, CEOs, CFOs, Leadership Team Members, and Trustees. The Luncheon will feature guest speaker David Pettyjohn, Executive Director of the Idaho Humanities Council. He will discuss the Council’s mission of “deepening understanding of human experience by connecting people with ideas.” He will also provide information on programming and funding opportunities, including Museum on Main Street, Speakers Bureau, and grants.

Board Engagement in Fundraising

Boards are responsible for the fiscal health of the nonprofit organizations they serve. Not only must they give, but it is essential that they take part in fund development. Many volunteers are uncomfortable in this role. This session will equip staff with tools to train board members about the fundraising cycle and how they can be involved in different phases based on their comfort levels. It will include tips on face to face solicitations. #nutsandbolts

Planned Giving Opportunities with the Upcoming Transfer of Wealth

Studies show that $9 trillion in assets will be passed in the U.S. from Baby Boomers to Gen X and millennials by 2027. It is imperative that fundraisers plan thoughtfully for this transfer of wealth because great opportunity exists to secure planned gifts. While many nonprofits focus on immediate funding needs, museums are in a unique position, responsible for long-term institutional preservation and collections care. It is not only prudent, but necessary to develop sustainable revenue.