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A Thank You Letter from WMA

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There’s no doubt that 2020 has been an overwhelming shock for the museum field. At this point, it seems only repetitive to state that museums have experienced a global pandemic, public reckoning in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, a devastating economic downturn, and the looming issue of climate change.

But in the face of these numerous challenges, one thing has become clear – 2020 has proven that we as a collective museum field, are “stronger together.”

There is still a lot to be grateful for, and there are many people to thank. And what a better place to start than with the museum professionals who make up not only our WMA community, but the larger global museum field.

Adaptive, hardworking, and dedicated professionals, such as YOU, are at the very heart of the industry. Many museums and cultural institutions most certainly would not be where they are today at the end of 2020, if it wasn’t for all of you, your hard work, and your commitment to the field. Your work throughout this unsettling 2020 year has been vital in navigating these uncharted waters. Together, we will continue to make positive changes and demonstrate our commitment to innovation, DEAI, and the future of the field.

Now, we’d like to specifically thank those who have been a part of our WMA Community during this unpredictable year. To our WMA members, partners, sponsors, and Board Members, thank you – we are stronger because of you and your continued support! As a member-based professional organization, we are committed to serving you, and in the year ahead, we will provide a variety of lower-cost opportunities for you to connect and learn with colleagues. Please stay tuned!

Outside the museum field, we extend the highest gratitude to all those on the frontline of the COVID-19 fight. We thank the healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store workers, truck drivers, and so many more for your service and sacrifice during this difficult time.

For us at WMA, we are excited to see where the road in 2021 will take us and the succeeding years that follow.

Have a joyous holiday and a happy New Year.

- Your friends at WMA




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