Recalculating, Recalculating...Using the Museum Assessment Program as Your Museum’s GPS on the Road to Excellence


Susan Zwerling, MAP Program Officer, American Alliance of Museums
Michelle Banks, President of the Board of Directors, African American Firefighter Museum
Laura Nice, Director of Special Projects, Janet Turner Print Museum, California State University, Chico


Susan Zwerling, MAP Program Officer, American Alliance of Museums


  • Business & Administration, Community Engagement

Does your museum need budget-friendly directions to improve its community engagement, address challenges with collections, strengthen its educational activities, align operations overall, or hone its governance for greater leadership potential? The Museum Assessment Program can give your museum the best route to reach your destination. Hear about the new and revised assessment options, as well as about the benefits, experience, and results of MAP from recent participants. Fuel up to apply for this IMLS-funded excellence program today.