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Hilton Pasadena, Monterey Ballroom

Advocating Every Day for Museums at State and Local Levels

Learning Format: Active Learning

If the thought of advocating every day sounds exhausting, this session will help you approach it from a different angle. At its core, successful advocacy is simply articulating throughout the year why your museum adds value to your community. We will share resources and tools available from state museum associations to help museums of any size advocate for themselves and the field as a whole. All of us have a part in advocating for museums.

Museum Tool Share

Learning Format: Active Learning

Looking for new tools to add to your post-pandemic toolkit? Visit this resource area to pick up tools for strategic planning, collections, and more! Leave with some new practical solutions and possibly even share some of your own!

Maintaining and Sharing Institutional knowledge - Fueling Staff Capabilities and Innovation

Learning Format: Active Learning

Explore institutional knowledge as it relates to exhibit design, development, and execution in this session with panelists from a variety of organizations.

Come learn about techniques for cataloging and sharing institutional knowledge both inside and outside your organization, using it to train and maintain staff, and discover how to foster a culture of innovation.

Sharing Our Human-Centered HR Practices Will Uplift Us All!

This workshop will focus on how sharing our human-centered HR practices will uplift us all
Specifically, it will: (1) explore what human-centered HR practices are and why they are so
important; (2) offer up concrete examples of the development/implementation of human-centered HR practices; and (3) help attendees understand how to advocate for human-centered HR practices within their own organizations, no matter their role. Attendees also will have an
opportunity to share with one another human-centered HR practice shifts taking place in their
own organizations.

You Collect What? Case Studies in How to Care for Unusual Artifacts

Learning Format: Conversation

Every collecting organization has an artifact that provokes the question, “what do we do with this?” or “how should we do this?” From STEAM collections to history or art collections, this session will explore the different ways to care for collection oddities. WMA and the Registrars Committee-Western Region (RCWR) team up to present case studies on specific artifacts, lessons learned, and strategies for caring for the unusual artifacts in your collection. 

Arts x Culture as Apothecary: How Cultural Creative Expression Creates Wellness Amid Culture War & Pandemic

Learning Format: Conversation

Aligning with the global shift toward healing and creating well and empathic futures, the session centers on case studies of arts and well-being programs at the Wing Luke Museum and Path with Art on developing art and wellness hybrid methodologies, evaluation, and partnerships with public health, mental health, primary care, economic development, local government.

Bringing “Museums” to Stressful Environments: Strengthening Families Through Engagement & Play

Learning Format: Active Learning

The Tongva and the Importance of Creating a MOU with Museums

Learning Format: Conversation

The panel will discuss their experience in creating a Memorandum of Understanding with a group of Tongva Cultural Educators. They will also explore the importance of acknowledging Tongva presence in Los Angeles and why museums across the country should create MOUs with tribes in their homelands

Ask GEMM: Creating Solutions to Gender Equity Challenges in Museums

Learning Format: Active Learning

Despite decades of raising awareness, gender-based issues in the museum field remain; inequality, discrimination, and sexual harassment are often daily occurrences. Join members of the Gender Equity in Museums Movement (GEMM) steering committee to tackle issues YOU are seeing in your workplace right now. Together, in small groups, we will listen to an issue raised by a colleague and brainstorm solutions. You will leave with new ideas for approaching current or future challenges and with a renewed sense of solidarity with colleagues.

How Rewarding is Risk? Play, Risk-Taking, and Challenges in Museums

Learning Format: Active Learning

How important is risk-taking in learning, developing skills, and building emotional intelligence? Can museums encourage visitors to assess and take risks responsibly? Many exhibits help visitors consider their decisions, and the risks they are willing to take. Whether the challenge is physical, creative, intellectual, social or emotional, exhibits and programs present safe spaces for new ideas and skills. This session will feature environments where visitors feel safe while encountering challenges and evaluating their risk.