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Hilton Pasadena, San Gabriel Ballroom

Collections Happy Hour

Get to know colleagues working in collections from around the region over drinks! This Collections Happy Hour would focus on the odd artifacts in a museum’s collection. Every museum has something a bit bizarre that they care for, so this meet-up would celebrate all those oddities.

Imposter Syndrome

Do you sometimes feel like you don’t quite fit in? Does everyone else seem to have more “museum cred” than you? You are not alone. So many of us who are drawn to museums come from a variety of experiences and fields.

EMP Happy Hour - Being Strategic with Your Career

Get to know fellow emerging museum professionals (EMPs) from around the region over drinks. This informal talking session will help to facilitate conversations between two veteran museum professionals and younger, emerging museum workers - about how to navigate and advance their careers in a constantly changing museum environment.  Practical advice, story sharing and answers to regularly asked questions would all feature in these conversations.

NAME (National Association of Museum Exhibition) Drink & Draw

Get to know colleagues working on exhibitions from around the region over drinks!