Ventana - Salon L
Balancing Act: Preservation, Access, and Sustainability
Learning Format: Conversation
The balance between collections preservation and access is familiar in theory and practice. We are now tasked to add a third element to this precarious balance: sustainability. Three panelists will discuss the challenges faced and solutions to incorporat - ing sustainability measures in museums. The panel will consider the multifaceted meanings of sustainability including environ - mental and fiscal sustainability, longevity and resiliency of collections, and the museum’s role in sustaining communities through environmental and social justice.
Creating a Collections Model Based on Indigenous Needs
Learning Format: Passive Learning
In 2021, the Cultural Resources Department at Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community completed construction of a new stand-alone 24,500 square foot cultural repository to house and care for tribal collections under the direction of the Huhugam Ki: Museum. In transferring the collections from existing storage areas, the staff addressed the need to build a better collections foundation to meet the tribal priorities and objectives for a cultural repository designed by tribal members.
Condition Reports for Works on Paper
Learning Format: Passive Learning
Join your collection colleagues in reviewing and/or learning the proper way to prepare a basic condition report for works on paper. Condition reports are not only important for the management of your collection but also important documentation for your insurance broker should a damage occur. It is also best practice in collection stewardship. Works on paper may include prints, drawings; collage; manuscripts; scrolls. Basic handling and recommended storage will also be covered.
America 250: What Does That Mean in the West?
Learning Format: Conversation
In 2026, the United States will commemorate 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. What does that mean for museums in the West? Are Indigenous, Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Latino/a/x and other stories of communities often left out of history books being told? Might this be an opportunity to share them? Attendees are invited to share their perspectives, recommendations, and engage in conversation around museums and the commemoration.
Expanding Narrative and Representation Through Community-Based Curation
Learning Format: Active Learning
This session will explore innovations, impacts, and strategies for fostering collaborative and community-based curation. Presenters, comprised of community collaborators and museum professionals, will share a case study from the Tucson Museum of Art that offers a framework, tools, and questions for consideration when co-creating interpretative content. To illustrate community-curation practices, attendees will workshop a selection of artworks and themes from art of the American West to explore a 21st century vision of cultures and ideas.
In Case of Emergency: Future-Proofing Your Collections With Emergency Planning
Learning Format: Conversation
Collections Policy: What is it Good For?
Learning Format: Active Learning
This workshop will walk participants through John Simmons’s “Things Great and Small” and help them develop and think about what needs to be included in their own Collections Policy. Participants should be able to leave with an outline of a Collections Policy.
Balancing Goals and Growth Between Museums and Corporate Partners
Learning Format: Conversation
Do you wonder what corporations are looking for when partnering with museums? Have you filled out countless sponsorship request forms without success? Join us for a panel discussion with museum development and philanthropic giving professionals to learn what makes for successful partnerships and tips for establishing (or maintaining) one at your institution.
The Future of Indigenous Exhibitions in a Post-NAGPRA World
Learning Format: Passive Learning
Harness the Techniques of Augmented Reality
Mystified by what is Augmented Reality (AR) and how to use it at your institution? Join us to learn how to harness the techniques of AR to bring your exhibits to life! During the workshop you will scan objects to make 3D files, learn about equipment and editing files, become familiar with basics of hologram creation, learn to create QR codes or triggers for starting AR experience, consider signage design, and discuss planning your own AR projects.