By Michelle Nash
I was very pleased to present this poster at the recent Western Museums Association 2014 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, and am further pleased for the opportunity to share it here as well. The following blog post is not so much a summary of the poster (which can be accessed below), but rather a call to further the Meta-Museum Movement.
So first thing’s first: what is the “Meta-...
Maker Faire
By Susan Spero
Last week (June 16, 2014) the White House held its first ever Maker Faire, an effort that at least for me, signals a coming of age of the Maker/Tinkering movement within the United States. From the earliest beginnings of Maker Faires, museums have partnered to create, design, and engage audiences with these events. The Exploratorium played a strong role during the Maker Faire...
Last week (June 16, 2014) the White House held its first ever Maker Faire, an effort that at least for me, signals a coming of age of the Maker/Tinkering movement within the United States. From the earliest beginnings of Maker Faires, museums have partnered to create, design, and engage audiences with these events. The Exploratorium played a strong role during the Maker Faire...