portland art museum
Thanks to everyone who participated today... we had 20 attendees representing Portland, Seattle, Hawai'i, and Utah, plus Oakland, San Francisco, and San Diego. It was a really fun session, with some presentations mixed in with small group discussion and Q & A. Here are some quick moments... James Leventhal of the Contemporary Jewish Museum started us off with a fantastic overview of web 2.0...
By James G. Leventhal
"Board and Staff Roles" from #wma2009 (photo Lydia Johnson)
There's a long list of reasons to be part of the Western Museums Association. For example, the last email news update notes that WMA serves professionals during difficult economic times providing: a professional lifeline to the unemployed; a touchpoint for the retired and a springboard for those just entering the...
"Board and Staff Roles" from #wma2009 (photo Lydia Johnson)
There's a long list of reasons to be part of the Western Museums Association. For example, the last email news update notes that WMA serves professionals during difficult economic times providing: a professional lifeline to the unemployed; a touchpoint for the retired and a springboard for those just entering the...