Do you sometimes feel like you don’t quite fit in? Does everyone else seem to have more “museum cred” than you? You are not alone. So many of us who are drawn to museums come from a variety of experiences and fields.
At this Happy Hour you can let your hair down, relax a bit, admit your insecurities, and meet others who feel the same way. We hope by the end of this Happy Hour you feel a greater sense of belonging and that you leave having made some new friends at WMA who both share your love of the museum field as well as a bit of outsider jitters. Who knows – at the very least you’ll have a friendly face to sit next to at the next panel.
All Happy Hours will be held onsite at the Annual Meeting hotel with a variety of beverage options. Ticket required for entry and grants you one alcoholic beverage with a cash bar available after that. As all Happy Hours will be in the same ballroom, you can float between and enjoy meeting a variety of colleagues.
Cost: $10