Aaron McCanna (Yup’ik), Diversity, Equity, Access, Inclusion and Decolonization Manager, Burke Museum
Rick Noguchi, President & CEO, California Humanities
Polly Olsen (Yakama), Director of Diversity, Equity, Access, Inclusion & Decolonization / Tribal Liaison, Burke Museum
Micah Parzen, CEO, Museum of Us
Julie Stein, Emeritus Director, Burke Museum
Learning Format: Conversation
Do you find yourself in a position that has lost its luster, become slightly unfulfilling, or overwhelming? It may not be an awful job, but is it stretching your mind and heart? Do you love the institution but just have the wrong job, or do you dislike the place but love the job? How do you evaluate your circumstance and make a plan for a change? In this session you will hear from museum professionals who made transitions - some radical shifts and others subtle.