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9:00 am – 10:15 am

Strengths-Based Problem Solving: A Nature-Infused Journey

Learning Format: Active Learning

Join us in the stunningly beautiful Tucson Desert for an immersive experience in problem solving. Step outside the convention - al meeting space as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and community-building. Through personal reflection, partner discussions, and group activities, we’ll tap into our strengths to tackle challenges creatively. Leave with a renewed sense of purpose, actionable plan, and a stronger network of support.

Condition Reports for Works on Paper

Learning Format: Passive Learning

Join your collection colleagues in reviewing and/or learning the proper way to prepare a basic condition report for works on paper. Condition reports are not only important for the management of your collection but also important documentation for your insurance broker should a damage occur. It is also best practice in collection stewardship. Works on paper may include prints, drawings; collage; manuscripts; scrolls. Basic handling and recommended storage will also be covered.

Ke Ola Nei: Living Museums and Indigenous Authenticity

Learning Format: Active Learning

The International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum (IILF) convened for the first time in Hawaii in November 2023. IILF opened at Waimea Valley on O’ahu where an archaeological kauhale (house site) was transformed into a living museum for Forum Delegates to explore under the direction of Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners. This talk investigates the creation of a cross-cultural, professional gathering using indigenous protocols and authentic interpretation within a context of colonial tourism and settler occupation in Hawaui,.

Elevate Your Giving: Balancing Data & Relationships

Learning Format: Conversation

In the realm of philanthropy, while data offers invaluable insights, it’s the human touch that truly ignites support. We’ll delve into the delicate dance of blending data-driven strategies with the cultivation of genuine donor connections, elevating both annual and capital giving. Discover the artistry in crafting robust donor pipelines informed by data yet fueled by heartfelt engagement. Join us in uncovering the magic where analytics and authentic relationships converge, paving the way for fundraising triumphs.

In Case of Emergency: Future-Proofing Your Collections With Emergency Planning

Learning Format: Conversation

Balancing the Community's Desires and Museum's Resources... Is it Possible?

Learning Format: Conversation

Get ready for lively conversation about everything we come across when attempting to balance the demands and desires of outside stakeholders with our museum’s capacity. Whether it’s a city’s censorship of your exhibit or an outside collaborator who has no clue they need to abide deadlines...let’s share and learn from others who live to tell the tale! Spoiler: we’ll be modeling Edward de Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats”--a simple and effect (and fun!) thinking process.

Coming Together in Unity - Baithaj Harvest 2023

Learning Format: Passive Learning

Indigenous museums are entrusted with an important role within their communities which is the continuation and revitalization of lifeways. The Huhugam Ki: Museum and Huhugam Heritage Center partnered together to hold their first Baithaj (Saguaro fruit) harvest in the summer of 2023. The presenters will share how two indigenous museums are collaborating to ensure that harvesting of native foods continues into the future.

Is it Your Time for Change?

Learning Format: Conversation

Do you find yourself in a position that has lost its luster, become slightly unfulfilling, or overwhelming? It may not be an awful job, but is it stretching your mind and heart? Do you love the institution but just have the wrong job, or do you dislike the place but love the job? How do you evaluate your circumstance and make a plan for a change? In this session you will hear from museum professionals who made transitions - some radical shifts and others subtle.

Forging New Pathways: Trustees of Color Advancing Equity in the Cultural Sector

Learning Format: Conversation

Museum Tool Share

Learning Format: Active Learning

Looking for new tools to add to your post-pandemic toolkit? Visit this resource area to pick up tools for strategic planning, collections, and more! Leave with some new practical solutions and possibly even share some of your own!