Commitment of Action: Tribal Sovereignty and Municipal Museums

  • Thursday, September 26, 2024
  • 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
  • Ventana


Nicole Armstrong-Best, Museum Administrator, S’edav Va’aki Museum
Reylynne Williams, Cultural Resource Specialist, Tribal Historic Preservation Office/GRIC


Simon Tipene Adlam, Museum Administrator, Arizona Museum of Natural History


  • Business & Administration, Community Engagement, Indigenous, Leadership & Careerpath, Other

Learning Format: Conversation

Municipal Museums have a unique relationship when working with Tribal consultation. As Museum professionals, we play the role of envoys from our Council and City Management and Tribal representatives are envoys for their Council and Tribal Management. As such, we are formally negotiating between two world views and two sovereign Nations. We will use recent examples of consultation regarding the role museums play, including name changes, the development of programming, exhibits, and more.