Expanding Narrative and Representation Through Community-Based Curation

  • Friday, September 27, 2024
  • 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
  • Ventana


Christine Brindza, Senior Curator, Glasser Curator of Art of the American West, Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block
Elizabeth Denneau, Artist/Educator
Feng-Feng Yeh, Artist/Chef


Marianna Pegna, Director of Engagement and Inclusion, Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block


  • Community Engagement, Other

Learning Format: Active Learning

This session will explore innovations, impacts, and strategies for fostering collaborative and community-based curation. Presenters, comprised of community collaborators and museum professionals, will share a case study from the Tucson Museum of Art that offers a framework, tools, and questions for consideration when co-creating interpretative content. To illustrate community-curation practices, attendees will workshop a selection of artworks and themes from art of the American West to explore a 21st century vision of cultures and ideas.