June 2009

YBCA Inside Out & Art Babble

Hello folks,

My name is Isaías D. Rodríguez, Interactive Media Producer, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, YBCA in San Francisco, CA. I've been with YBCA for over 4 years  and in the last year transitioned into my new role as an in-house media producer. I produce media on our exhibitions, performances, film/video screenings, and events.


New and Notable

by Valerie Huaco

Back in November when the WMA program committee convened in San Diego to review session proposals, we took some time to discuss what ideas had been knocking around in our collective heads. What’s on the tip of our museological tongue, as it were. Many good sessions were born of that conversation, including On Board with Innovation, Weathering the Storm: Foundations Respond to the Financial Crisis, Strategic Plans: Friend or Foe, the Tech Lab, Leave No Child Inside, the Resource Clinics, and the general session on museums in Quatar.
