Freelance Historian- Woman of Clark County Project

Company Name: 

Clark County Museum/ Public Art


1830 S. Boulder Hwy
Henderson, NV 89002

Contact Name: 

Clark County Public Art


(702) 455-8685


Job Description: 


Historian Call for Proposal

Woman of Clark County

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday September 23, 2024 by 11 AM PST

Scope of Project:

Clark County Parks and Recreation Department’s Public Arts Office is seeking a service of a skilled historian consultant to propose to conduct a thematical survey of resources relating to women of historical significance in Clark County, Nevada. This project is open only to historians over the age of 18, who are not part-time or full-time Clark County employees or currently under contract for any Clark County Public Arts project larger than $50,000.

Women have played an essential role in the development of our Southern Nevada community and Clark County. Every March for Women’s History Month Clark County honor these women with awards, presentations, programs and art installations. Currently, artist, politicians and public have very few online resources to gather information about these women and the resources that are available have a heavy focus on the State of Nevada rather than Clark County specifically.

Women who should be included in the survey should include elected officials, organizations, and 1st women of significant roles in private and public sectors within the County. Once information is compiled the consultant should be prepared to collaborate with a graphic designer on the production of a public webpage and exhibit.

Work to be completed includes;

Research themes related to Clark County Woman and their accomplishments and identify associated resources. Research should be organized into thematic groups.

Compile, write descriptions and provide images to create a webpage or series of webpages that celebrates Clark County woman and their accomplishments including organizing a well thought out and consistent flow. Secure all approvals for use of images and information.

Collaborate with Clark County staff on exhibit layout and theme. Compile, write descriptions and provide images to create a historical exhibit at the Clark County Government Center entitled Empowered: Woman of Clark County March 17-May 1, 2025. Installation on March 14, 2025. Secure all approvals for use of images and information.

Work with a graphic designer that Clark County will provide, to create the webpage(s), a marketing poster of the website, and the graphics for the exhibit.


Applications will be submitted and evaluated. The top scored application will enter into an agreement with Clark County

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS & Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation will be scored by the stakeholders assigned to this project.

Read all Call information & submit documents in the following order preferably in one PDF file:

  1. Cover Letter
    • Completed Cover Sheet. Formatted as one PDF File. (See Cover Letter link for a downloadable PDF.)
  2. Qualifications, including but not limited to:
    •  Describe in more detail the historian’s approach to the project including the key elements and unique features of your submittal in accordance the scope of work.
    • Provide a preliminary project plan that includes historian’s concept of the project including the methodology to be used and the major deliverables to be produced, including proposed services and details for all other proposed solutions and technology.
    • Provide a statement as to local resources that would be utilized and the degree of historian’s knowledge and familiarity with the local community's needs and goals.
    • Provide any assumptions and/or constraints made in developing the submittal.
    • Provide a proposed schedule (work plan) including tasks, milestones, dates for completion, resource assignments, and critical path.
    • Documentation Samples. Provide samples of the documentation formats / reports that will be used for the project.


  1. Experience
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume, up to two (2) pages. List any licenses, gallery, and public art experience, if applicable. Formatted as one PDF File.


  1. Proposed Budget 
    • Provide a proposed budget that relates to the proposed schedule (work plan) including tasks, milestones, dates for completion, resource assignments, and critical path provided in 2,  Qualifications.


  1. References
    • Please provide at least two professional references.


Only applications that have all requirements and have been submitted in one email with all attachments in the format of PDF including images of artwork will be accepted. Embedded files and links will not be accepted unless permission is granted by staff. Reach out to staff before the deadline for help if you are having problems sending email.

Application must be completed and submitted by Monday September 23, 2024 by 11 AM PST though adobe sign.*

Only applications that have all requirements and have been submitted using the online application will be reviewed.

The contracted historian will be required to agree to the shall be governed by the Clark County, Nevada P. O. Terms and Conditions located at

If you have additional application questions, please contact: