WestMuse Blog

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May 31, 2009
By Kristen Olson
When I was 10 and he was 14, my older brother would follow me around wanting to play Risk. Ten-year-old me would shriek, "NO. It is boring. It takes forever. I never win."
I literally feared Risk, (conveniently brought to you by Hasbro), because I did not want to fail.
On Saturday, May 30, 2009, I went to the Helzel Colloquium, "Risk and Reality" hosted by the John F....
May 25, 2009
May 23, 2009

Slide from Maxwell Anderson's MW2009 pres. - "Help visitors apply that memory and empathetic response to everyday life"

By James G. Leventhal
There’s been a lot of back channel recently about the relevance and even necessity of professional conferences in this perpetually, overwhelmingly networked world.
So I thought this was a good forum to further the discussion.  Of the blogs, colleagues and...
May 19, 2009

One of the author's own spaces within Discover Nikkei

By Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda
Greetings from Southern California! I’m the Web Manager at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. For those who aren’t familiar with our museum, our mission is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Japanese American experience.
May 19, 2009
By Stephanie Weaver
USS Midway at Night

The Host Committee met [May 11] at the amazing Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum to discuss ongoing plans for the annual meeting. We are excited to welcome our colleagues from the Western states. Midway will be host to the Wednesday night Masquerade Party (October 28, 2009). The Midway is one of San Diego's premiere party venues. We're looking forward to...
May 15, 2009
By Jeremy Clark
Roughly 84 years ago, I worked as a personal trainer at a YMCA. After hours one summer evening, the entire staff gathered mandatorily to watch a customer service training video (apparently management felt we needed some inspiration). We viewed a heavy-handed but heartfelt instructional film produced by motivational speaker and ice cream magnate Bob Farrell entitled "Give 'em the...
May 13, 2009
By Angelina Russo
Thanks for this post Lydia. While I didn't get a chance to be there [#AAM09], I wonder whether anyone was talking about Pine and Gilmore's recent book: Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want.

Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore co-founded Strategic Horizons LLP to help executives see the world differently.

One of the points Pine and Gilmore make is that while audiences crave...
May 11, 2009

by  Lydia Johnson
AAM 2009: The Museum Experiment is now history.  In the weeks following big conferences like this, where ideas sizzle like Pop Rocks candy, it’s always interesting to see what sticks.  What topics will we still be chewing on next week…next month…next year?  (and I don’t mean the obvious “how do you throw a party when nobody can afford to come?”)
This year, I’m putting my money...


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