WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Check in every #WestMuseWednesday and Fridays for our latest blog posts discussing current topics from learning how to work from home to sharing social media best practices.

If you’re seeking information on a specific topic related to the museum industry or COVID-19, please feel free to reach out to us at blog@westmuse.org. Thanks!

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September 30, 2020
Did you know that as a museum professional you can help #GetOutTheVote (GOTV) and increase voter turnout across the country, right from your home?
Well, you totally can!
When it comes to sending GOTV texts, mailing letters/postcards, or making personal phone calls, GOTV efforts have the greatest impact in the final weeks and days leading up to the election when voters who are less likely to turn...
September 24, 2020
This fall, educators are working harder than ever to meet the needs and provide critical support to their learners. Whether using traditional in-person classrooms, virtual or hybrid-learning models, teachers are in need of tools, guidance, and resources.
A great place to start is at a museum.
According to the American Alliance of Museums, every year, U.S. museums provide more than 18 million...
September 16, 2020
Museums across the Western Region and the greater U.S. have been in a holding pattern since early March, circling around an eventual reopening date.
Today, only a few museums are beginning to reopen – but reopening a museum mid-pandemic means piloting through completely uncharted waters.
For what has become important now, is that museums must carry out the necessary precautions to make visitors...
September 9, 2020
2020 has certainly been a year like no other. For the Western Museums Association (WMA), this year has meant the postponement of the 2020 Annual Meeting, which was to be held in Portland, Oregon from October 8th-11th.
We realize, although we won’t be gathering in-person this fall, there are still various ways in which we – the WMA and greater museum community – can collectively come together and...
September 2, 2020
Well somehow, it’s September already.
As museums and cultural institutions begin to reopen across the states, some are trying to maintain remote work practices, and some are learning how to transition back from remote work to the office all while following social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols.
As we enter into this new phase of the pandemic where “working from anywhere” is the...
August 19, 2020

Over the last few months, there has been growing concern and anxiety around how and where to cast a vote for November’s 2020 General Election.
Living in a pandemic, it has become essential that people feel safe and are given the choice to vote by mail rather than having to risk their health in a dense, concentrated environment. But the recent cost-cutting push at the U.S. Postal Service has...
August 13, 2020
In this uncertain time, one thing still remains true – the act of preparing and serving a meal, no matter how simple or complex, can bring great comfort and a sense of pleasure into our lives.
But let’s be real, sometimes it’s hard to get motivated and inspired in the kitchen, especially when we’re staying home all the time. What if you’ve already flipped through the pages of your cookbooks, and...
August 11, 2020
By Bryn Barabas Potter – BBP Museum Consulting
When purchasing some items in the shop at the Natural History of Los Angeles County a year or so ago, I was asked if I wanted to "round up" to the next dollar and donate the change.  It seemed like a good idea, an easy way to put some money where it is always needed - in the museum coffers. I was surprised to not find this option when doing online...


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