WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

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February 10, 2011
by Gypsy McFelter And would that which we call a museum, by any other name, have the same reason for existence? As any dedicated professional in this field understands, the word ‘museum’ stems from the ancient temples dedicated the Muses, the nine goddesses of Greek mythology who inspire the arts of mortal men and women. The Muses can be credited for inspiring almost anything and everything, from...
January 31, 2011
By Redmond J. Barnett

Redmond J. Barnett, Secretary of WMA, is the Head of the Exhibits Department, Washington State History Museum

Washington’s governor, Christine Gregoire, faces a $4 billion budget deficit and proposes to close the two independent state-funded museums, the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma and the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Spokane, saving about $4...
January 30, 2011

MAP Your Way to Excellence
"Our institution participated in the MAP program in 1987 and the experience put us on the road from a small historical society to the regional history museum we are today. At that time we were an institution of 3 full time staff, and a very small budget-less than $200,000.  Today-23 years later-the institution has a staff of 35, and is a major regional museum in...
January 29, 2011
By Heather Ferrell

State Capitol Museum

In a proposal released to the public in December,  Gov. Chris Gregoire recommended cutting state funding for Spokane’s Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture’s (MAC) state by just over forty percent. According to a January 24, 2011 article by Lauren Lynch— this would be enough to maintain minimal staff for building and artifact care, but prevent the...
January 25, 2011
This year's Program Committee Meeting at the Liljestrand House was a fascinating exercise and a wonderful experience working with a great group of people.  This year's conference is going to be a strong one, with session proposals from WMA, the Hawai'i Museums Association, the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums, and the Pacific Islands Museums Association. It was an exciting...
November 26, 2010
I love conference time because it just feels good to be around people who like museums as much as I do, and have dedicated their working life to making museums incredible places for their communities. I have been blessed to be a part of two organizations that hold incredible conferences: the Western Museums Association and the British Columbia Museums Association. In October 2010, I was lucky...
November 26, 2010
By Heather Ferrell
As a result of improved fiscal management and the dedicated commitment of board, membership, and volunteers, the WMA has been able to financially reposition itself and contract with Hauck & Associates, Inc., to manage the daily operations of the organization.
Following the most successful Annual Meetings in the past five years, the Board of Directors of WMA is pleased to...
November 17, 2010
By Arthur H. Wolf
Several years ago it occurred to me that there might be fewer years ahead than there had been behind me, and I decided to plan for how I might pay back some institutions and organizations that had been formative, instructive, and beneficial to me over the past 35 years or so. In our household we have always supported annual contributions and memberships to museums, food banks,...


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