WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Check in every #WestMuseWednesday and Fridays for our latest blog posts discussing current topics from learning how to work from home to sharing social media best practices.

If you’re seeking information on a specific topic related to the museum industry or COVID-19, please feel free to reach out to us at blog@westmuse.org. Thanks!

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April 22, 2010
Posted by Kaia Landon Annual Conference June 2-5, 2010: Register Now to Save! Speaking up for Museums: Institutional Advocacy The 28th Annual Meeting of the Museum Association of Arizona Can you articulate why museums matter? Can you tell funders, visitors and associates how important your institution is to your community? Can you share a personal story about how a museum impacted your life? Do...
April 20, 2010

By Lydia Johnson
I got an email from Stephanie Weaver last week:
Tech Talks are in! Monday, October 18 in Portland, Oregon.
Stephanie is coordinating The Tech Talks (formerly Tech Lab) at WMA's annual conference later this year, and asked me to participate.  I live in Silicon Valley, so I see and hear about the cutting edge of technology every day.  In fact, the business section in our local...
April 15, 2010
To Members of WMA:
Here is an opportunity to help your organization!
WMA is celebrating its 75th Anniversary and we want our members to join in with the festivities.
WMA will be having a booth in the exhibition hall at the AAM meeting in Los Angeles. We are looking for volunteers who like to interact with other people to sit in the booth at various times during the meeting. We would want people...
April 14, 2010
By Jason B. Jones
As a graduate student in the San Francisco Bay Area, revolution is familiar territory. Ideas of changing the world permeate the culture of the Bay. At the John F. Kennedy University’s Berkeley Campus, on Saturday April 10, 2010, the Department of Museum Studies hosted a colloquium: Museums in a Troubled World.
Dr. Robert R. Janes discussed his recent book Museums in a Troubled...
April 4, 2010
by James G. Leventhal
Man, as I look back over 75 years of the Western Museums Association, it makes me think of museum programs and exhibitions that I've seen...and those I've missed.
A show I REALLY wished I'd seen was California Video at the Getty from 2008.  A "Golden Oldie"?  Man, that've been golden for sure, but maybe not an "oldie"?
Do you have a favorite exhibition to mention?  Seen or...
March 31, 2010
by Allyson Lazar
One year ago WMA entered a new era of engagement with our colleagues by creating this blog site! Since then, the blog has seen posts from museum professionals literally around the world on topics from community engagement to the future of museums and so much more in between. Our visitorship to this blog has grown from zero (we all have to start someplace, right?) to over 6,000...
March 17, 2010
by Stephanie Weaver
Last week I attended a daylong workshop at the CAM Conference sponsored by the California Exhibition Resources Alliance (CERA). The workshop was a Technology Salon for Small Museums and featured presentations throughout the day on how to use technology wisely and efficiently for marketing, interpretation, and in exhibits. It was hosted by the de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara...
March 4, 2010
by Allyson Lazar
Can't make it to this year's AAM conference in Los Angeles? Never fear--this year AAM will also be hosting a virtual conference!
The two-day online conference will consist of nine sessions selected by the Standing Professional Committees (SPCs) on technology, couriering, visitor experience, planning, exhibition development and more!
But perhaps what is most exciting is that,...


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