WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

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September 24, 2010
A2, Single Session Panel Discussion: “Selling Our Collections, New perspectives on Old Controversies in Today’s Economy,” Moderated by Doug DeFors (Monday, October 18, 2 PM to 3:15 PM)
By Doug DeFors
Imagine a museum press conference that announced, unapologetically, that the board had voted to sell a number of very valuable paintings from the permanent collection to avoid imminent bankruptcy....
September 22, 2010
Co chairing the program committee for the Portland meeting has been very rewarding. The penultimate version of the PROGRAM has just been posted on the main conference page. Check it now for your pre-conference workshop locations and for all the latest details on sessions and events. The conference promises to be a good one this year and I for one am really looking forward to exploring the...
September 19, 2010
Avast ye! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so batten down the hatches, all ye land lubbers, put down yer grog and prepare ye for some links to pirate-themed museums and exhibitions! We'll not be toleratin' any bilge rats here, so look to 'em smartly! And if ye be havin' more pirate/museum sites to share, please be doin' so in the comments.
Oh, and while ye be checkin' out the museum...
September 19, 2010
During the weekend leading up to our 2010 conference there are a handful of terrific workshops taking place. One that is definitely on my to-do list is “Tools of the Imagination at Play”, hosted by the Portland Children’s museum (Sunday 17th, 1-5pm).
Who doesn’t have kids coming through their doors? Even if you home institution isn’t a children’s museum per se, there are ideas and practices...
September 8, 2010

The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, in cooperation with the Western Museums Association, the American Institute of Architects San Francisco Chapter, the Association of Children's Museums and the International Association of Museum Facility Administrators, is pleased to announce the 2011 Building Museums® Symposium Call for Session Proposals.
Our 7th Anniversary Symposium...
September 7, 2010
By Stephanie Weaver
I was able to get over to the Autry Museum of Western Heritage to see their newest exhibition called Home Lands: How Women Made the West. It's truly one of THE most creative and engaging exhibits I've ever seen, so I wanted to do it justice with a full blog post and some research. The show ran at the Autry through August 22, 2010 in Los Angeles, and will travel to other venues...
September 6, 2010
by James G. Leventhal

Once independent, the Hammer is now part of UCLA

What do you value?  This is becoming a pressing question for museums in the United States as they... well, come of age.  With Riches, Rivals and Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America (2006), AAM and Marjorie Schwarzer reminded us that museums in America are not a lot older than a 100-year tradition or industry.  That's...
September 3, 2010
By Adam Mikos New technology is a constant current in our profession. Being able to keep up with it is one thing, understanding it enough to integrate pieces of it into our respective fields is another. In terms of audio recording, the curve of price vs. quality has changed radically over the past five years. The outsourced audio tour can now be done in-house with greater flexibility. Pairing...


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