WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

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November 4, 2009
by Allyson Lazar
WMA Board Members convene near the end of the conference

Last week roughly 400 museum professionals from the Western Region and beyond* gathered in beautiful San Diego for the annual WMA conference. Buzz in the hallways indicated that the sessions were some of the strongest, most relevant, useful and enjoyable yet!
But what about the folks who weren't there? How can they benefit...
November 4, 2009
by Allyson Lazar
Some of the tools that may be used by a contract registrar: cotton gloves, camera, notebook, pencils, flashlight and tape measure.

These days with so many layoffs, there are a lot of people running around calling themselves freelancers, consultants or contract registrars. But is getting laid off enough of a reason to "hang your shingle" out there and go independent? How do you...
November 4, 2009
by Allyson Lazar
Handouts from the Museum Trustee Association

Bright and early last Wednesday morning I sat in on a session on Director/Board Relations at the annual WMA conference, moderated by Jim McCreight, President of the Museum Trustee Association. His panelists were Mo King, Immediate Past Chair of the Mingei International Museum in San Diego and Derrick Cartwright, formerly the Director...
November 4, 2009
by Allyson Lazar (disclosure: I moderated this session)

Follow Allyson on Twitter

Technology seems to be a key buzz word in the museum world these days. Many people are still a little tech-shy, but that changes day by day. But while people may feel less afraid or daunted by the idea of online technologies, they still aren't always quite sure what to do with them. The session on free, shared,...
October 29, 2009
Never fear, there will be more blogs posted about specific sessions coming to WestMuse, but I wanted to take a moment to point everyone in the direction of a fantastic set of conference photos, courtesy of Lydia Johnson and to share a few of the places and moments that have made this conference so great for me. Thank you to everyone who organized a session, a pre-conference workshop, a lunch, an...
October 28, 2009
By James G. Leventhal
Rosalind Bedell

On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to be invited to be a part of a session entitled Sustainable Work Practices: Keeping the Staff Afloat at #wma09 organized by Rosalind Bedell, Human Resources and Volunteer Director, Nevada Museum of Art and Program Committee Co-chair for WMA, San Diego.
In difficult economic times how do you keep the staff sustained and on...
October 28, 2009
By Stephanie Almeida
This morning I took some time to unplug completely (no blackberry, laptop or iPod) and take a walk along the beach here in San Diego at the WMA Conference.  As I listened intently to the world around me, suddenly bereft of the continual beeps, pings and whirring that I usually have clouding my senses, the world around me became clearer.
There were surfers paddling against the...
October 27, 2009
by Allyson Lazar
No, I'm not asking about your abilities to do bird calls; I'm asking if you participate in the micro-blogging phenomenon known as Twitter. Sure, the WestMuse blog is a great way to read about exciting and informative sessions and events here at WMA 2009, but even just writing up a short blog post can take a little time and thought. But quick real-time updates about the conference...


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