WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

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September 23, 2009
By Stephanie Gabrielle Almeida

Click image to see more screen shots from They Called Me Mayer July opening in Second Life

Look no further than the nearest comfy couch or recliner for the future of Museums and Museum exhibitions.
I had the honor of attending a gallery opening at the Tachles Gallery in Second Life for the Mayer July (First Life name:  Mayer Kirshenblatt) exhibition.  I met up...
September 22, 2009
By Stephanie Weaver
San Diego hosted this two-day conference, sponsored by the Balboa Park Online Collaborative and funded by the Benbough Foundation. This was an amazing opportunity to hear some cutting-edge experts on museums and social media, and organizer Rich Cherry did a fantastic job bringing them all together.
Speakers included Peter Samis, Associate Curator of Interpretation for SFMOMA,...
September 22, 2009
Hi, I'm Steve Tokar, and I'd like to invite you to a couple of San Diego Conference sessions that we've organized on the topic of visitor comfort.
Here's what we mean by comfort. The last time you and your family visited a museum, could you find your way around easily? Were there enough places to sit? Were the labels readable? Were there multiple/alternate ways to enjoy and learn? Were the...
September 11, 2009
By Lesley Kadish
San Francisco Elevation and Right of Ways

Before I came to San Francisco for Seb’s talk, I read a post on SFStreetsblog called “Eyes on the Street: The Ghost Streets of San Francisco” about ‘secret’ right-of-ways around town. You know, those steep steps that lead through an art garden or behind a house, where you’re never sure if you’re on public or private property. Being a map...
September 11, 2009

By David Porter
To follow up on my earlier post, I wanted to note that the Oregon Heritage Commission,  a state chartered entity which oversees grant programs and other similar activities, heard testimony about the challenging state of affairs among heritage groups across the state at a meeting early this summer.
Under the leadership of Chairman George Kramer,  the Commission pledged to charter...
September 4, 2009
Catamaran Reception Area

by Valerie Huaco
The caller was so enthusiastic her voice bounced right out at me. Guess what! She wanted us to know that she had found a cheap hotel room to stay in during the annual meeting of WMA. Wasn’t that great? Did we want to tell the membership?
So here’s how it works. WMA starts looking at where to hold the annual meeting two, three, even four years in...
September 2, 2009

By David Porter
The economic downturn of the past eighteen months led to declining revenue from ticket sales and contributions to Clackamas Heritage Partners (CHP) which operates the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center and two other sites in Oregon City.   In March and April we were forced to suspend our operations while we attempted to raise funds to continue.
A very strong positive...
August 30, 2009
Dear Leslie,
"Those About to Die Salute You," hosted by Queens Museum; artist Duke Riley. Photo by Frantz Vincent courtesy of Flickr

Thank you for the fantastic post. I too am approaching professional development through social media, as a consultant who serves this field. I wrote this post on my blog about how four museums in New York staged an art event using Twitter. I think it's a dynamic...


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