WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

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June 10, 2009
by Valerie Huaco
Back in November when the WMA program committee convened in San Diego to review session proposals, we took some time to discuss what ideas had been knocking around in our collective heads. What’s on the tip of our museological tongue, as it were. Many good sessions were born of that conversation, including On Board with Innovation, Weathering the Storm: Foundations Respond to the...
June 9, 2009
By Stephanie Weaver
We've been working on new tools to help you plan your visit to San Diego for WMA, October 25-29. Click HERE to see the interactive restaurant map. It's an open, public map, so local folks can add their own suggestions for eateries near the Catamaran.

Green are vegetarian, red are regular restaurants, the hotel is the blue locator, while the pushpin is a well-known coffeehouse...
June 8, 2009

By Lynda Kelly
It has long been recognised that choice and control are important facets of learning (Hein, 1998; Paris, 1998) and that learning experiences need to be learner-centred (Dewey, 1938). Recent audience research projects found that audiences want to have more control over their museum learning experiences (Kelly, 2007). Work on museums and controversial subjects found that visitors...
June 7, 2009

The Arizona Historical Society Museum, in its beautiful desert setting at the edge of Papago Park.

Dear Friends of AHS,
We are in crisis and need your help now!  Governor Brewer released her budget.  The Governor’s budget completely eliminates funding for the Arizona Historical Society by phasing out state appropriated dollars over the next five years.  If her proposal is approved, the Arizona...
June 6, 2009

The vaults downstairs at the Mint were lit up and the spaces were packed. 

Last night in San Francisco Standing Ovation productions put on a huge party and fundraiser for The Mint Project.
Click here to see a lot of familiar Bay Area museum faces who are working on the Mint Project -- many of whom were in attendance at last night's event, including Nina Simon, Debbie Frieden, WMA's own Susan...
June 4, 2009

San Diego Highlight - Murals at Chicano Park: Founding of Mexico City, Tony de Vargas, Vidal Aguirre, Felipe Adame. The painting on the ceiling of the kiosk illustrates the foundation myth of Tenochtitlan/Mexico City.

June is busting out all over! *humming*
June...Can you believe it? I know that most of us have been pretty distracted the first half of this year, but I admit I'm pretty excited...
June 2, 2009
It ain't no sin if you crack a few laws now and then, just so long as you don't break any.” - Mae West (Sins Tweetup on Thursday!)
by Chris Mathieson
Learn about vice in the early days of Vancouver by participating in the Vancouver Police Museum’s unique new walking tour – Sins of the City. While leading you through the oldest parts of Vancouver, your guide will regale you with stories about:...
May 31, 2009
By Kristen Olson
When I was 10 and he was 14, my older brother would follow me around wanting to play Risk. Ten-year-old me would shriek, "NO. It is boring. It takes forever. I never win."
I literally feared Risk, (conveniently brought to you by Hasbro), because I did not want to fail.
On Saturday, May 30, 2009, I went to the Helzel Colloquium, "Risk and Reality" hosted by the John F....


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