WestMuse Blog

Here on the WestMuse Blog, you’ll find a variety of articles and resources to help guide you through this difficult time as we all stay home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Check in every #WestMuseWednesday and Fridays for our latest blog posts discussing current topics from learning how to work from home to sharing social media best practices.

If you’re seeking information on a specific topic related to the museum industry or COVID-19, please feel free to reach out to us at blog@westmuse.org. Thanks!

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April 18, 2009
Steven Correll, Assistant Registrar, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, sent this timely note today about an unusual collections find. His story gives me great perspective on the extent of our own troubles, 103 years later—Susan Spero
Last December when several of the Fine Arts Museums registrars were looking through the de Young's off site storage facility, one of the senior registrars (...
April 10, 2009

Napa Valley Museum

A week ago westmuse broke the news about the Napa Valley Museum.  There have been further developments and Executive Director Rick Deragon has provided the following, important update:
The Napa Valley Museum Takes on State
by Rick Deragon, Executive DirectorNapa Valley Museum
The State Departments of Veterans Affairs and General Services are attempting to throw us out of our...
April 6, 2009

WMA Board President Aldona Jonaitis

 This is my very first venture past email, and I am not entirely comfortable. Remember, I started out with clay tablets. No, just kidding. But with fountain pens, yes.
If there is anything WMA is about, however, it's bringing our members the most up to date, useful and interactive information as we can, and this medium is designed for just that.
I've been...
April 4, 2009

Napa Valley Museum

The following is from a Press Release being distributed by the Napa Valley Museum earlier this week:
The State of California, through the Departments of General Services and Veterans Affairs, is attempting to throw the Napa Valley Museum, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, out of the museum’s building. The State alleges that the museum’s lease has been terminated due to the...
April 4, 2009

Elida Zelaya, Executive Director

This is a whole new world. Well, maybe not so new to many of you, but new to me, me who loves factoids and the random but has been called....(*gasp*) a luddite.
I can honestly say that I am not a luddite, in fact I love machines and technology since they make my job easier or me more efficient! But I am a twitter virgin, a very recent FB user, and only in the...
April 2, 2009
by Melissa Rosengard
March 25, the Annenberg Foundation proudly unveiled a new museum project...the Annenberg Space for Photography, in Los Angeles...Century City to be exact.
Leonard Aube, Managing Director, The Annenberg Foundation

I was invited by Leonard Aube, the Foundation's LA Director, and former WMA board member, and extraordinary photographer of marine life (friend him on Facebook and...
April 1, 2009
Welcome to WestMuse, the new blog for the Western Museums Association! My name is Allyson and I will be one of your numerous bloggers. I thought for my inaugural post I would try to stay relevant to the upcoming issue of the WestMuse newsletter (a benefit of membership in the Association), which will focus on the economic downturn and how museums are coping.
In the newsletter itself, development...
March 30, 2009
Welcome to the Western Museums Association's new blog.  Bookmark it and stay tuned...


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